The Good the Bad and the Ugly of Food Additives Each and every day there are news bulletins and research findings supporting or warning us against this additive or that coloring. It’s often very difficult to keep it all straight. It can be terrifying to walk down the grocery store aisle where virtually every product is loaded with preservatives. We’ve all heard the rules about shopping around the perimeter of the store for fresh foods, but today’s world often dictates an occasional shortcut down those middle aisles. Here’s a brief summary of the good, the bad and the ugly to watch out for when consuming processed foods. THE GOOD Alginate or Propylene Glycol Alginate is a thickening agent used in beer candy and yogurt and are made from kelp. Alpha Tocopherol is another name for Vitamin E. It is added to oils to prevent them from becoming rancid. Ascorbic Acid or Vitamin C is an antioxidant and color stabilizer used in cereal, fruit drinks and even cured meat. ...