
Showing posts from August, 2012

5 o the Best Brain Food


5 Cancer fighting Spices


Certain Probiotics Easily Kill Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria

The use of Antibiotics can create antibiotic resistant, super bugs. In fact, MRSA (multi-drug resistant Staphylococcus aureus) is immune to many different antibiotics…and in some cases they are immune to all antibiotics known to man. However, certain probiotics can defeat these super bugs with ease. Probiotic bacteria and pathogenic bacteria have been fighting for billions of years. And healthy humans have the perfect environment for probiotic bacteria to beat pathogenic bacteria. The fact that humans have been surviving before the invention of antibiotics is proof of how powerful probiotics are. Take a look at how the Manufacture of Probiotics is crutial in producing High-quality probitoics.

Over 400 Strains Of Probiotics Live In Our Bodies

According to numerous research studies, there are well over 400 probiotic strains resident in our bodies. Some of these probiotics are permanent residents, and others are transient. Interestingly, only 20 strains account for 75% of the mass of bacteria that live in our bodies. Numerous scientists also argue that the combined DNA of our probiotic residents are more important to our survival than our own DNA.

You are what you eat!
