The Truth behind Diabetes
Some common misconceptions about diabetes and uncovering the truth around them. An infographics that shows some statistics and the Truth Behind Diabetes. No matter how many useful resources there are on the internet, many misconceptions surround a well known disease. As my team did research for our diabetes guide, we saw this to be true for diabetes also. There are two big misconceptions that we saw over and over again and we felt it was important to provide the facts about them. The first misconception surrounds the difference between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. Many believe that these are similar forms, when they are actually very different. Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease where the pancreas is unable to produce the insulin hormone. Although some refer to it as juvenile diabetes, the truth is that this form of diabetes can develop at any age. Type 2 diabetes occurs when the body becomes insulin resistant and is unable to produce enough insulin to maintain n...