
Showing posts from July, 2015

Interesting Fact

You're shedding about 15 million bacterial cells into the immediate environment around you every minute. Those 15 million cells comprise mostly of bacteria associated with skin, but they also come from your nose and your mouth, and interestingly, even from your gastrointestinal system via your trousers and on to these seats you're sitting on. So, you leave a signature wherever you go. And those bacteria land on the surface, most of them die, but some of them go dormant or they proliferate, then they can be transmitted from you to another person. Which means if we were in a hospital and another person comes into that part of the hospital where someone with a certain type of bacteria has been, there is, therefore, the prospect for them to pick up those bugs.

Food for your Gut : Turmeric

Turmeric has been known to treat our body’s gastro-intestinal system. Turmeric helps our stomach to withstand digestive acids, which can otherwise harm it. Here are some benefits of turmeric to stomach: Helps in case of indigestion: Research studies have shown that turmeric helps in releasing of bile which is believed to help in digestion of food. Turmeric is known to do this by stimulation gallbladder which releases bile. Bile plays an important role in digestion and absorption of fats and fat-soluble vitamins in our small intestine. The use of turmeric herb in digestion related problems has also been approved by The German Commission. Other studies have also shown the same. Gas buildup: Turmeric calms upper digestive system by getting rid of gas. Turmeric is also known to help increase absorption in intestine and promote intestinal flora. Ulcerative colitis is chronic digestive tract disease, it is not cure able and thus symptoms come and go. Ulcerative colitis can cause stomach...

Certain spices help keep us slim.

Certain spices help keep us slim. Because fat is challenging to digest, it makes me bloated. Spices, especially ginger and curcumin, help you digest fat, which makes my job a little easier. A 2011 study showed that spices stimulate the body to secrete more bile and also promote activity in the pancreas, both of which are required for breaking down fat. According to the research, spicy foods do play a small but relatively significant role in losing weight. One study divided obese dieters into two groups. One group consumed spicy and flavored foods while the other group did not. The spicy dieters lost 30 pounds in 6 months, while the control group lost 2 pounds. Another study that was published in Physiology and Behavior looked at the effects of spices such as red chili pepper, capsaicin, black pepper, and ginger on metabolism and weight loss. Turns out, the spices boosted the metabolism of the dieters and increased the rate at which fat was burned. Beyond the metabolism-boosting benef...

Lack of Gut Diversity Is Linked to Allergies

Lack of Gut Diversity Is Linked to Allergies Too few bacteria in the gut can throw the immune system off balance and make it go haywire with hay fever. Researchers in Copenhagen reviewed the medical records and stool samples of 411 infants. They found that those who didn’t have diverse colonies of gut bacteria were more likely to develop allergies. Source: Reduced Diversity of the Intestinal Microbiota During Infancy Is Associated With Increased Risk of Allergic Disease at School Age H Bisgaard, N Li, K Donnelykke. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2011;128(3):646–652. Elizabeth J. Feuille, MD and Anna Nowak-Węgrzyn, MD

"He who takes medicine and neglects to diet wastes the skill of his doctors." ~Chinese Proverb
