
Showing posts from 2015

Your body is a temple, but only if you treat it as one.


Superfood - Leeks

Leeks owe many of their superpowers to their organosulfur compounds, phytochemicals that may carry immune-boosting benefits. Those compounds have been credited with everything from boosting immunity to kicking cancer and can be found in other allium family vegetables too, including garlic, onions, and shallots. Studies have shown leeks could help protect the digestive system from stomach and gastric cancers— though researchers believe garlic may be more powerful than other allium veggies— but further studies are needed to be sure . Getting a healthy dose of allium veggies could also protect against prostate cancer. Researchers are still uncertain exactly why leeks may help prevent cancer, but it’s been suggested they could stop the spread of cancer cells, foil carcinogens’ evil plots, and beat up damaging free radicals . These veggies know how to get down to business! But leeks have more than just cancer-fighting skills. They’re low in calories and high in vitamins and minerals, ...

If you can't pronounce it, don't eat it.


Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes, especially when consumed with their skins on, are a superb food for digestive health. They provide dietary fiber, complex carbohydrates and manganese. Sweet potatoes help in treating peptic ulcers, duodenal ulcers and some other serious bowel ailments.

"I think it has become obvious that medicine companies have no idea what fruit tastes like!"


“Your body is a temple, but only if you treat it as one.” ~Astrid Alauda


“Sorry, there´s no magic bullet. You gotta eat healthy and live healthy to be healthy and look healthy. End of story.” ― Morgan Spurlock, Don't Eat This Book


Health benefits of Ume

Japanese ume plum has been used in Japanese and Chinese medicine. Although the current understanding of the active components is limited, it is suspected that Japanese ume plum contains antioxidants that protect cells from damage and may be able to reduce a person’s chances of getting cancer. The inhibition of carcinogen formation is another factor that make the plums beneficial to health, according to the "Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention." Heart Health Japanese ume plum juice concentrate was found to help improve the ability of blood flow through the body. Bainiku-ekisu, the fruit juice concentrate of Japanese ume plum was found to promote a healthy environment for the formation of smooth muscle cells in the heart in a study published in 2002 in “Life Sciences.” It was also found to protect heart cells from the damaging effects of reactive oxygen species. Reactive oxygen species are a natural byproduct of cellular metabolism that are highly reactive in the body ...

“Health isn’t about being “perfect” with food or exercise or herbs. Health is about balancing those things with your desires. It’s about nourishing your spirit as well as your body.” ― Golda Poretsky


Food for your guts : BEETS

Each cup of red beets provides just 58 calories, so they fit well into calorie-conscious diets and offer several nutrients you need for good health. They benefit your digestive health due to their fiber and folate content, but red beets also have some surprising, yet harmless, temporary digestive side effects. Red beets come loaded with dietary fiber, a carbohydrate important for digestive health. The fiber in red beets lowers the risk of diverticular disease, a disease associated with colon inflammation that causes gas, bloating, irregular bowel movements and nausea. Red beets' fiber content also keeps you regular, softening your stool to make it easier to pass. Eating a cup of sliced red beets increases your fiber intake by 3.8 grams -- 15 percent of the 26 grams recommended for women and 10 percent of the 38 grams recommended for men. Red beets also offer digestive benefits because of their vitamin B-9, or folate, content. Following a diet rich in folate lowers your risk of co...

"Healthy is satisfyingly delicious!"


“In order to change we must be sick and tired of being sick and tired.”


Quote from Golda Porestsky


“I don't understand why asking people to eat a well-balanced vegetarian diet is considered drastic, while it is medically conservative to cut people open and put them on cholesterol lowering drugs for the rest of their lives.” ― Dean Ornish


The disastrous health effects of Palm Oil

Generally, plant oils are more beneficial for health than animal fats, but palm oil is an exception. Palm oil comes from the fruit of the palm oil tree and is grown on large plantations in tropical places such as Indonesia and Malaysia. At room temperature, palm oil is the consistency of butter or shortening and is often used in place of them in baked goods and processed foods. The large amount of saturated fat and high number of calories it contains make palm oil a risky choice for your health. High in Fat Diets high in fats such as palm oil can lead to weight gain, heart problems and other chronic disease. Eating a proper amount of fat is essential to human health, but too much can be detrimental. According to the Institute of Medicine Food and Nutrition Board, adults eating a 2,000-calorie daily diet should consume no more than 44 to 78 grams of fat per day. One tablespoon of palm oil has 120 calories and 13.6 grams of fat. If using palm oil, do so sparingly with regard to the amo...

Why I run


Coconut Oil for your Gut Health

Coconut oil is largely made up of Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs) like lauric acid. These are comparable to MCTs established in breast milk, as stated by Dr. Bruce Fife, in a piece of writing at the Coconut Research Center website. Fife emphasized the advantages of MCTs in helping digestion and reinforcing the immune system to combat bacteria, parasitic and fungal infectivity. Fife also clarified that average chain triglycerides convert into antimicrobial means within your digestive tract. When consumed, coconut oil’s anti-microbial properties become activated after triglycerides are converted into monoglycerides and free fatty acids in the digestive tract. Monolaurin, the monoglyceride of lauric acid has the greatest overall anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal effect. All of them work together synergistically to provide the strongest germ-killing effect. They are enclosed in a lipid (fat) membrane and lipid coated viruses & bacteria are absorbed into the organisms outer...

Hygiene Hypothesis - Some gardening will help with your gut flora.

Discussion as to any positive relationship between dirt and health has been prompted by a theory known as the "hygiene hypothesis". *The hygiene hypothesis suggests that keeping kids too clean is contributing to the higher rates of autoimmune diseases, especially in terms of atopic disorders (allergies).* The hygiene hypothesis was first posited by a man named David P. Strachan who attributed the rise of allergies to the fact that family sizes were getting smaller. In his theory, less children were getting exposed to pathogens through contact from their "dirtier" older brothers and sisters. Strachan's original hypothesis has been expanded to include the effect of the increased attention to hygiene that is inherent in modern society. Beyond the basics of hot water and food safety practices, the list would the use of antibacterial cleaning products, the increased frequency of antibiotic prescriptions, and the use of vaccines. Although not specifically studied (to ...

"Leave your drugs in the chemist's pot if you can heal the patient with food" - Hippocrates


Mother's milk can help boost a baby's immune system

Breast milk not only has unquestionable nutritional value, but it provides infants with an added level of immune protection that no commercial formula has been able to duplicate. That’s because even colostrum—the first milk produced by new mothers—contains large numbers of antibodies and other infection-fighting cells. Through breast milk, nursing mothers are able to provide their babies with a continued source of antibodies long after they deliver. As a result, breastfed babies are protected against many if not all of the diseases to which their mothers’ are immune. It is because of this significant boost in immunity that breastfed babies have been shown to get sick less often, suffer from fewer ear infections, and experience less severe symptoms when they do get sick. And while you may be familiar with the risk of uneven heating and scald burns associated with microwaving breast milk, it’s worth noting that doing so is also thought to destroy the immune properties of the milk. Work...

If you can't pronounce it, don't eat it.


Ginger for your guts

Historically, ginger has a long tradition of being very effective in alleviating symptoms of gastrointestinal distress. In herbal medicine, ginger is regarded as an excellent carminative (a substance which promotes the elimination of intestinal gas) and intestinal spasmolytic (a substance which relaxes and soothes the intestinal tract). Modern scientific research has revealed that ginger possesses numerous therapeutic properties including antioxidant effects, an ability to inhibit the formation of inflammatory compounds, and direct anti-inflammatory effects. Gastrointestinal Relief A clue to ginger's success in eliminating gastrointestinal distress is offered by recent double-blind studies, which have demonstrated that ginger is very effective in preventing the symptoms of motion sickness, especially seasickness. In fact, in one study, ginger was shown to be far superior to Dramamine, a commonly used over-the-counter and prescription drug for motion sickness. Ginger reduces all s...

Cabbage for your guts

Cabbage can provide you with some special cholesterol-lowering benefits if you will cook it by steaming. The fiber-related components in cabbage do a better job of binding together with bile acids in your digestive tract when they’ve been steamed. When this binding process takes place, it’s easier for bile acids to be excreted, and the result is a lowering of your cholesterol levels. Raw cabbage still has cholesterol-lowering ability, just not as much as steamed cabbage. Researchers now realize that different types of cabbage (red, green, and Savoy) contain different patterns of glucosinolates. This new knowledge means that your broadest health benefits from cabbage are likely to come from inclusion of all varieties in your diet. Cabbage in general—but also Savoy cabbage in particular—turns out to be an especially good source of sinigrin. Sinigrin is one of the cabbage glucosinolates that has received special attention in cancer prevention research. The sinigrin in cabbage can be con...

Kids and Dogs

Children raised in a house with two or more dogs or cats during the first year of life may be less likely to develop allergic diseases as compared with children raised without pets, according to a study in the latest issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association. Children who grow up with dogs and cats in the home have a significantly reduced risk of developing pet allergies — plus common ones, like allergies to pollens and molds — by as much as 50 percent or more. This a backed by another new study by Finnish researchers that there are viable health benefits for babies raised around dogs. The researchers studied almost 400 children from their third trimester through their first year of life, and found that babies raised in homes with dogs have fewer colds and respiratory tract symptoms or infections, fewer ear infections, and require fewer antibiotics during their first year than those raised in pet-free homes. Babies raised amongst cats also showed health benefits, but ...

Interesting Fact

You're shedding about 15 million bacterial cells into the immediate environment around you every minute. Those 15 million cells comprise mostly of bacteria associated with skin, but they also come from your nose and your mouth, and interestingly, even from your gastrointestinal system via your trousers and on to these seats you're sitting on. So, you leave a signature wherever you go. And those bacteria land on the surface, most of them die, but some of them go dormant or they proliferate, then they can be transmitted from you to another person. Which means if we were in a hospital and another person comes into that part of the hospital where someone with a certain type of bacteria has been, there is, therefore, the prospect for them to pick up those bugs.

Food for your Gut : Turmeric

Turmeric has been known to treat our body’s gastro-intestinal system. Turmeric helps our stomach to withstand digestive acids, which can otherwise harm it. Here are some benefits of turmeric to stomach: Helps in case of indigestion: Research studies have shown that turmeric helps in releasing of bile which is believed to help in digestion of food. Turmeric is known to do this by stimulation gallbladder which releases bile. Bile plays an important role in digestion and absorption of fats and fat-soluble vitamins in our small intestine. The use of turmeric herb in digestion related problems has also been approved by The German Commission. Other studies have also shown the same. Gas buildup: Turmeric calms upper digestive system by getting rid of gas. Turmeric is also known to help increase absorption in intestine and promote intestinal flora. Ulcerative colitis is chronic digestive tract disease, it is not cure able and thus symptoms come and go. Ulcerative colitis can cause stomach...

Certain spices help keep us slim.

Certain spices help keep us slim. Because fat is challenging to digest, it makes me bloated. Spices, especially ginger and curcumin, help you digest fat, which makes my job a little easier. A 2011 study showed that spices stimulate the body to secrete more bile and also promote activity in the pancreas, both of which are required for breaking down fat. According to the research, spicy foods do play a small but relatively significant role in losing weight. One study divided obese dieters into two groups. One group consumed spicy and flavored foods while the other group did not. The spicy dieters lost 30 pounds in 6 months, while the control group lost 2 pounds. Another study that was published in Physiology and Behavior looked at the effects of spices such as red chili pepper, capsaicin, black pepper, and ginger on metabolism and weight loss. Turns out, the spices boosted the metabolism of the dieters and increased the rate at which fat was burned. Beyond the metabolism-boosting benef...

Lack of Gut Diversity Is Linked to Allergies

Lack of Gut Diversity Is Linked to Allergies Too few bacteria in the gut can throw the immune system off balance and make it go haywire with hay fever. Researchers in Copenhagen reviewed the medical records and stool samples of 411 infants. They found that those who didn’t have diverse colonies of gut bacteria were more likely to develop allergies. Source: Reduced Diversity of the Intestinal Microbiota During Infancy Is Associated With Increased Risk of Allergic Disease at School Age H Bisgaard, N Li, K Donnelykke. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2011;128(3):646–652. Elizabeth J. Feuille, MD and Anna Nowak-Węgrzyn, MD

"He who takes medicine and neglects to diet wastes the skill of his doctors." ~Chinese Proverb


Flushing the Entire GI Tract

Flushing the Entire GI Tract A Salt Water Flush is an effective tool to help keep your colon healthy and clean!! What’s even better is that it acts as a mop for your entire GI tract, sopping up everything from your mouth to your derrière! This is why I believe a Salt Water Flush is sometimes superior to enemas or colonics. Not to say that enemas or colonics are not effective methods for colon cleansing, it’s just that a Salt Water Flush can bring much-needed relief that the other two cannot. Enemas and colonics only remove waste from the colon. A Salt Water Flush, on the other hand, removes waste, including gas, from the small intestine. Also, the high-quality salt used in a Salt Water flush can act as a healing agent as it works to normalize the pH throughout your entire GI tract. A healthy intestinal pH reduces the amount of bad bacteria, pathogens, viruses, and fungi that create all kinds of nasty digestive issues. Salt Water Flushes can provide tremendous relief from digestive...

Juices of fruits and vegetables are pure gifts from Mother Nature

“Juices of fruits and vegetables are pure gifts from Mother Nature and the most natural way to heal your body and make yourself whole again.” ― Farnoosh Brock

Foods for Good Digestion : Avocados

Eating a diet rich in whole foods and limiting your processed food intake can benefit your overall health and your digestive health . Including avocado in your diet can help even more. Avocados are a rich source of heart-healthy monounsaturated fats and myriad vitamins and minerals, all working toward keeping your digestive system in good functioning order. Avocados are one of the best foods you can eat for digestive health. Avocados work to stimulate the healthy functioning of your digestive organs, including your pancreas, gallbladder, liver and intestinal tract. The healthy omega-3 fatty acids found in this fruit may also help ease inflammation in the digestive tract. One avocado, peeled and without the pit, contains 9.2 grams of fiber. A high intake of fiber enhances digestion and keeps you regular. Fiber in your diet adds weight to your stool, making it pass through the intestines easily. This occurs because fiber holds water, which keeps the bowels moving and helps reduce co...

Quote from Terri Guillemets

When it comes to eating right and exercising, there is no "I'll start tomorrow." Tomorrow is disease. ~Terri Guillemets

“Over weeks and months will get addicted to the awesome taste of healthy food...and start wondering why you never did it earlier!”

“Over weeks and months will get addicted to the awesome taste of healthy food...and start wondering why you never did it earlier!” ― The Fitness Doc

DO YOU KNOW? The Largest internal organ is the small intestine.

DO YOU KNOW? The Largest internal organ is the small intestine. It's about 19ft (6m) long. That's about the height of a giraffe!

“Today, more than 95% of all chronic disease is caused by food choice, toxic food ingredients, nutritional deficiencies and lack of physical exercise.” ~Mike Adams


Ditch the antibacterial cleaners!

The main compounds in antibiotic wipes, creams and soaps -- triclosan and triclocarban -- have been added to chopping boards, refrigerators, plastic lunchboxes, and mattresses in an attempt to halt the spread of microbes. But studies show that these antibiotic chemicals are no more likely than regular soap to prevent gastrointestinal or respiratory illness. In fact, for chronically sick patients, antibiotic soaps were actually associated with increases in the frequencies of fevers, runny noses and coughs. According to Scientific American: "What we do know is that the influence of these wipes and salves does not end with our hands, but instead spreads from them down our drains and out into society. What happens when antibiotic soaps and suds go down drains? To find out, a group of scientists recently made artificial drains clogged with bacteria ... and then subjected them to low and high doses of triclosan ... Triclosan kills 'weak' bacteria but favors the tolerant, among...

Why are NSAIDs hard on the stomach?

Why are NSAIDs hard on the stomach? The drugs cause ulcers by interfering with the stomach's ability to protect itself from stomach acids, according to the National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse. "Normally the stomach has three defenses against digestive juices: mucus that coats the stomach lining and shields it from stomach acid, the chemical bicarbonate that neutralizes stomach acid, and blood circulation to the stomach lining that aids in cell renewal and repair," the clearinghouse explains. "NSAIDs hinder all of these protective mechanisms, and with the stomach's defenses down, digestive juices can damage the sensitive stomach lining and cause ulcers." How do NSAIDS undermine the stomach's defenses? All block an enzyme called cyclooxygenase 1, or COX-1. This enzyme helps prevent ulcers by enhancing blood flow to the stomach and increasing the production of protective mucous. If there's a shortage of COX-1, your stomach may not de...

Food for your Gut : Radish

Among its many beneficial components such as folic acid, iron, potassium, calcium and Vitamin C, radishes have been known to specifically aid our digestive system. If you are experiencing an inadequate loss of appetite or improper digestion, seek out the natural alternative and prefer the radish treatment. It is very rich in dietary fiber that can combat numerous sickness and diseases our stomach is vulnerable in. Radishes contain compounds called arabiongalactans, which goodbacteria in the intestinal tract thrive on. Radishes are a natural cleansing agent for the digestive system, helping to break down and eliminate stagnant food and toxins built up over time. Radishes also contain amylase, the enzyme the body uses to digest carbohydrates. The Japanese often add radishes to carbohydrate-concentrated meals to aid digestion. In 2009, Shizuoka University in Japan evaluated radishes for their amylase activity and found they were useful for carbohydrate digestion.

MYTH or FACT: Sit-ups are the best way to a flat tummy.

MYTH or FACT: Sit-ups are the best way to a flat tummy. FACT : Firstly, lots of sit-ups or crunches alone won't tone a flabby belly - you need to combine any exercise with an overall weight-loss programme: eat a balanced diet and take regular varied exercise. Exercise does not have the ability to change the size of an organ. However, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t exercise to help shrink your waist line, since performing abdominal exercises can help tighten the muscles in the abdomen. Plus, being active will help burn off the layers of fat that accumulate on the outside of your body, as well as the internal fat layers that you can’t see. Sit-ups target the most superficial 'six-pack' core muscles, but too many of these will cause the tummy to bulge out, leading to a pot belly. If you perform a dynamic movement such as a walking lunge while rotating the top half of your body at the same time, you target all the abdominal muscles as well as other large muscle groups that b...

Asparagus is a microbiome balancer

Asparagus is a microbiome balancer with many hats. It leaves you feeling full, helps you lose weight, and is rich in inulin (Prebiotic), which feeds the microbiome in your gut. It also contains multiple nutrients that help heal the gut wall and magnesium, which is needed for digestive enzymes. About Prebiotics It’s not enough to just get beneficial bacteria (probiotics) into your body. To make sure these good guys stay and thrive, you’ve got to feed them. One of their preferred meals is a type of soluble fiber called fructooligosaccharides (FOS), found in a wide range of vegetables, fruits and grains. Because FOS helps probiotics thrive, this fiber and its relatives have been dubbed prebiotics. It’s a term we’ll be seeing more as scientists unravel the details of how our gut microbiome works. Beyond being probiotic power food, FOS has been shown to increase absorption of minerals such as calcium, improve feelings of satiety, reduce the risk of colon cancer and, ahem, “keep things mo...

Food for your gut - Turmeric

Food for your gut - Turmeric : This is one of the best natural herbal remedies to encourage the body to release digestive enzymes. Turmeric aids the breakdown of fats and carbohydrates which is very helpful in the gut. There are many benefits of using turmeric to help with healing leaky gut, as it has a strong anti inflammatory action that is known to aid all areas of the body including the gut. It is also naturally antiseptic and antibiotic so this may help to clear up infections that may have caused the problem.

Food for your Gut : Jurusalem Artichoke

Inulin is a fiber found in lots of fruits and veggies that’salso a natural prebiotic—and Jerusalem artichoke is full of it!  Inulin has no calories, but it still leaves you feeling full…and between 14 and 19 percent of the weight of Jerusalem artichoke is Inulin. Many of these health effects can be attributed to the ability of inulin to stimulate the growth of bifidobacteria. Naturally present in the large intestine, bifidobacteria fight harmful bacteria in the intestines, prevent constipation, and give the immune system a boost. Furthermore, evidence indicates that bifidobacteria help reduce intestinal concentrations of certain carcinogenic enzymes.

Yoghurt for your Tummy

Friendly bacteria that live inside your digestive tract help digestion. Eating yogurt with live cultures and other foods that contain probiotics build up that positive population. “We encourage probiotics,” says gastroenterologist Peter L. Moses, MD, professor in the division of gastroenterology and hepatology at the University of Vermont College of Medicine. If you’re not a yogurt fan, don’t fret supplements contain better strains of probiotics. A small study of 19 seniors with chronic constipation found that daily probiotic supplements increased both frequency and consistency of stool, according to research published in the Nutrition Journal. Other studies suggest that probiotics can ease irritable bowel and Crohn’s disease symptoms and may reduce the risk of diarrhea infections, such as Clostridium dificile.

Quote from William Londen

"To ensure good health : Eat lightly, breathe deeply, live moderately, cultivate cheerfulness, and maintain an interest in life." - William Londen

Do you know? The acid in your stomach is strong enough to dissolve razorblades!

Do you know? The acid in your stomach is strong enough to dissolve razorblades! Hydrochloric acid, the type found in your stomach, is not only good at dissolving the pizza you had for dinner but can also eat through many types of metal!

Fantastic Fish Oil

Fish oil in very large doses have been shown to have some anti-inflammatory properties. This can benefit not only your heart, but your digestive tract as well.  To start, add fatty fish like salmon, tuna, and mackerel in your diet, all good foods for digestion. However, the amount of fish oil needed for a real benefit is large and may require supplements.  What doctors and researchers know at this point is that people with irritable bowel syndrome, one of the most common reasons for visiting the gastroenterologist, may not be consuming enough of the omega-3 fatty acids from fish. An analysis of blood from 91 adults showed that those with IBS had the lowest levels of these healthy fats in their blood, according to research published in the Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology.

Tai Chi - best exercises for your GI Tract

This ancient Chinese practice improves the nervous system, which, in turn improves the internal functioning of your organs. Tai chi incorporates many circular movements and slow movements of the spine, which has the effect of massaging the digestive organs. Tai chi is specially noted for being able to relieve constipation.

Instill good nutrition to your children

"I believe that parents need to make nutrition education a priority in their home environment. It's crucial for good health and longevity to instill in your children sound eating habits from an early age." - Cat Cora

"The longer I live the less confidence I have on drugs and the greater is my confidence in the regulation and administration of diet and regimen." - John Redman.
