Debunking 7 health myths

You’ve Always Heard That… 1. You Shouldn’t Cut Off the Bread’s Crust. It’s Full of Vitamins. The truth is: In a 2002 German study, researchers found that the baking process produces a novel type of cancer-fighting antioxidant in bread that is eight times more abundant in the crust than in the crumb. That said, it’s more important to serve whole-wheat bread, with or without the crust, because it’s all around higher in nutrients, such as fiber, says New York City nutritionist Keri Glassman, author of The O2 Diet). Make sure the ingredients list “100 percent whole-wheat flour.” Breads simply labeled “wheat” are usually made with a mixture of enriched white flour and whole-wheat flour and have less fiber. 2. If You Go Out With Wet Hair, You’ll Catch a Cold. The truth is: You will feel cold but will be just fine health-wise, says Jim Sears, a board-certified pediatrician in San Clemente, Calif., and a co-host of the daytime-TV show The Doctors. He cites a study done at the...